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What is the Gas Safe Register?

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What is the Gas Safe Register and why should I care?

The Gas Safe Register is the official list of gas engineers who are legally qualified to work on gas appliances and installations in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man, and Guernsey. It replaced the old CORGI registration scheme on 1st April 2009.

Why does it matter? Using an unregistered gas engineer is dangerous and illegal. Poorly fitted, serviced, or repaired gas appliances can cause fires, explosions, leaks, and carbon monoxide poisoning.

How does the Gas Safe Register protect me?

The Gas Safe Register has a few key functions for your safety:

  • Sets Standards: The Register ensures every registered engineer has the relevant qualifications and evidence of competence as required by the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998.
  • Maintains the List: It provides an official list of these qualified, safe engineers so you can easily know who to trust.
  • Investigates unsafe gas work: The Gas Safe Register looks into reports of illegal work and can prosecute those putting the public at risk.

Gas Safe registered engineers vs. cowboys – know the difference

A Gas Safe registered engineer will always carry a Gas Safe ID card. Be sure to ask to see it. The card shows their name, business details, registration number, photograph, and the specific gas work areas they’re qualified for.

Unregistered ‘cowboy’ engineers might be cheaper, but they put your safety at serious risk. They often lack qualifications, cut corners, and make mistakes that could have deadly consequences.

Is it illegal to do gas work if I’m not registered?

Yes, it is absolutely illegal in the UK to carry out gas work if you are not on the Gas Safe Register. If prosecuted, you could face fines or even imprisonment.

What types of gas work need a Gas Safe registered engineer?

By law, all gas engineers must be on the Gas Safe Register to undertake gas work like:

  • Installing, repairing, or servicing gas appliances like boilers, cookers, and fires.
  • Installing or changing pipework.
  • Any gas safety checks.

How do I find and check a Gas Safe registered engineer?

The Gas Safe Register website is your best resource! Their “Find and Check” tool (https://www.gassaferegister.co.uk/find-an-engineer-or-check-the-register/) lets you search by postcode or by a business or engineer’s name.

What should I expect from a Gas Safe registered engineer?

A registered engineer will:

  • Arrive with their Gas Safe ID card.
  • Perform their work competently and according to safety regulations.
  • Issue a gas safety record when applicable.
  • If you’re a landlord, provide you with a Landlord Gas Safety Record.

I think someone is doing illegal gas work. What should I do?

Report your suspicions to the Gas Safe Register. You can do so via their website or their hotline. The Health and Safety Executive also investigates potentially dangerous gas work.

How do I become a Gas Safe registered engineer?

The path to becoming Gas Safe registered involves these main steps:

  1. Obtain Qualifications: You’ll need approved gas qualifications (like ACS qualifications) that demonstrate your competence in the specific areas of gas work you want to do.
  2. Gain Experience: Get on-the-job training. Building up evidence of your competence is key for registration.
  3. Apply for Registration: If you meet the qualifications and experience requirements, you can apply online to join the Gas Safe Register.

For full details, visit the Gas Safe Register website’s “Becoming Registered” section.

Gas Safety Week and other gas safety initiatives by the Gas Safe Register

Gas Safe Register goes beyond just maintaining a list. They work to raise awareness of gas safety through:

  • Gas Safety Week: An annual campaign promoting gas safety advice, checks, and reminding consumers to only use registered engineers.
  • Safety Investigations: They investigate reports of illegal and unsafe gas work.
  • Partnerships: Collaboration with charities and organizations aimed at protecting vulnerable groups from gas dangers.

Key Points to Remember

  • Safety First: Never compromise on gas safety. Always use a Gas Safe registered engineer for gas work.
  • Check the Register: The official website is your go-to resource for finding registered engineers.
  • ID Please: Gas Safe registered engineers will have their ID card on them. Don’t be afraid to ask to see it.
  • Don’t DIY: Gas work is complex and dangerous. Leave it to qualified professionals.
  • Gas Safety Matters: Keep informed about gas safety issues for protecting your home and family.

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